Our mission is to calm the storm which may result from engagement with CYF, to support those parents and caregivers into a better place. And to point them in the right direction in fighting their good fight, always putting the children first and centering on the rights of the child.

Call to Action

Family Crisis Intervention Service provides free, independent and confidential support and assistance to people who want to make a complaint about Child Youth and Family or other organisation, that has acted improperly, having impact on your family in New Zealand.
FCIS is NOT against CYF nor any other organisation. It is against tactics sometimes employed by individuals or groups within these organisations which may be in conflict with operative CODES OF CONDUCT.
We are against those who fail a reasonable standard of care in their work practices.  Our role is one of advocacy/mediators. Working to improve communication and case management.
FCIS is NOT about adding to the stress of individuals who find themselves in a whirlpool of bureaucracy and confusion.
We do NOT feed into the negative but help individuals untangle and find the strength needed.  We offer support and practical advice and if we do not have the answer, we will do all we can to help you find out and get on the right track to solutions.
Our role is to support families who have had children taken and placed into care and who are working within the guidelines and conditions laid down in the Family Group Conference between themselves and the Ministry Of Social Development with the object of regaining the care of their children.
To that end we help parents engage with the Ministry and become involved in Parenting programmes, counselling, attendance at non-violence programmes, and also developing bonding and age appropriate relationships between themselves and their children. We aid parents and caregivers who feel unsupported, facing allegations or in need of advice, advocacy or mediating with agencies, social workers and other professionals.
If the weight of your contact with CYF has become too much, if you feel you need some confidential support and direction from the FCIS team , please click on contact and send us a confidential email.
5,000 families over the last four years have used FCIS advocates to help address issues and resolve complaints.

Do you want to help?

Family Crisis Intervention Service is growing with the increasing need for resolution for New Zealand Families. Mounting pressure on Community Services, Government Departments and the health sector lead to unfair performance issues at one extreme and sad tragedies at the other end of the spectrum.
You CAN help in a number of ways and there is likely to be a voluntary position available that matches your life-skills, temperament and experience.
All FCIS personnel are screened using a Police Check, have read and agreed to the FCIS Code Of Conduct and have promised to strictly follow our organisation”s CODE OF ETHICS. Nobody is perfect, but character flaws that can hurt children and their families are strictly guarded against.
FCIS Front Line Advocates see the best and worst aspects of society, are challenged by seemingly insurmountable barriers and often deal with mind-numbing bureaucracy.  Advocates have the rewards of seeing families reunited, complaints resolved and systems changed for the better. Do you have what it takes?
FCIS clerical support team members back up the Advocates with legal and procedural research, family education services, community liaison work between organisations and obtaining supporting information for the more challenging situations.
“OMG just received THE BEST NEWS tonight!!! Huge huge THANK YOU to Angie of FCIS for all your help and guidance in helping my husband and I with our complaint against CYF.  It's taken 1yr of Angie helping us with our complaint against CYF and WE WON!!!! And we were CAREGIVERS not family!! We were sticking up for the wee ones in our care and their rights and CYF turned on us
But now they have to formally apologise to us as everything we complained about was UPHELD and found to be true!!! Happy dance time.”

Get Answers

FCIS makes extensive use of Social Media through our Facebook Group to crowd-source answers from people who have gone through issues you may be facing now.
Advocates are monitoring the FCIS Facebook Group until late at night and an answer is usually only minutes away.
Not on Facebook? No problem, simply fill out the contact form with as much information as you can.
An advocate will respond once your information is processed – usually 2-3 days.

Get Information

Family Crisis Intervention Service is building a knowledge base of resources for families in New Zealand.
Free booklets
Helpful Videos
Links to Web-based resources
Addresses and phone numbers of community groups
Links to government departments and legislation


FCIS has made it easier for you to apply for your Privacy and Official Information (POI) from CYF or other governmental organisation.  Our form is generic, which means you can print off and complete more than one form for each service you wish to gain your file from. 
FCIS can submit to CYF on your behalf, for this to happen, please download and complete the AGENT FORM.
Email completed forms with a copy of Drivers License (or other form of photo ID) to FCIS and we can process it for you
drop it off to your nearest CYF office. 
Look at the example form image to get an idea of how to fill out the form.
POI requests for children over the age of 14 need to have the childs signed consent.
You must be a New Zealand citizen or a permanent resident
If you want request be treated as urgent, give your reasons why you are seeking the information urgently
You may request a department or Minister of the Crown or organisation to make available to you any specified official information held that is about you
If the organisation is going to take more than 20 days to get all the information together, they will let you know and give an idea of how much longer it will take
Sometimes parts of information need to be deleted from what is supplied to you. When this has to happen, you will be given a reason why.
You will need to deliver other POI forms done for files held by Police, DHB (and other organisations) to their place of business yourself. 
for a more in depth understanding of the Official Information Act and processes, please go to the official website
FCIS upholds high ethical and conduct expectations of it’s members and connected service providers.


FCIS is a family-serving, community-based organisation dedicated to providing confidential and thorough support to enable families to move forward in their connection with CYF  (refer to our mission statement). Participation in the organisation's assignments is subject to the observance of the organisation's rules and procedures. The activities outlined below are strictly prohibited. Any support member or staff member who violates this Code is subject to discipline, up to and including removal from the organisation.
Abusive language towards a staff member, support member or client.
Possession or use of alcoholic beverages or illegal drugs on FCIS's property or reporting to employment while under the influence of drugs or alcohol.
Bringing onto FCIS's property dangerous or unauthorised materials such as explosives, firearms, weapons or other similar items.
Discourtesy or rudeness to a fellow staff member, support member or client.
Verbal, physical or visual harassment of another staff member, support member or client.Actual or threatened violence toward any individual or group.
Conduct endangering the life, safety, health or well-being of others.
Failure to follow any agency policy or procedure.
Bullying or taking unfair advantage of any staff member, support member or client.
Failing to cooperate with other staff members, support members or clients.
Must NOT take legal action against a client or case related individuals without the expressed knowledge and permission of the organisation.
Following the termination of involvement with the organisation ALL client related and organisation related information must be forwarded to the organisation and following of which must be destroyed from the terminated members computer.
Following termination of involvement with the organisation, terminated members MUST NOT discuss any cases (current or historical) with any other persons or may incur legal action being taken against them.
ALL STAFF MEMBERS AND SUPPORT MEMBERS MUST: Uphold high standards of personal conduct and act with integrity and confidentiality. Provide services at a competent level of professional practice Respect and uphold the civil, legal and human rights of client

friends of FCIS:


4thekidz is a child focused organisation that provides children with soft toys and care packs who are undergoing forensic examination with our Tedz Project. Most important to us is the care, safety and emotional wellbeing of the children involved. Often children can be forgotten in the system or with disagreements between adults. Our purpose is to soften that for the kids, make sure that their needs are met and they are as happy as they can possibly be in this given situation. We are here to support you to support them. When going through custodial issues it is important to make sure no matter what is going on each and every interaction you have with them is positive loving and focused on them. Forget the judgements, the partner disputes and all the drama and just smile for your children. Let them know everything is going to be okay. Don’t talk about the adult stuff, they don’t need to know what dad is doing or mum is doing.  Make the most of that time and just let them know that YOU are doing the best you can. Then do the best you can. Our best tip for families is to write everything down, times, dates etc. Keep good records if something is going wrong. Note everything.  This can be later used as evidence or to display patterns of behaviour.If you would like to know more about the services provided by 4thekidz or want to get involved with our Tedz Project pop over to our website www.4thekidz.org.nz or send an email to admin@4thekidz.org.nz
Code of Ethics for FCIS’s Board and team members (including researchers and other titles within the organisation).


Parents, extended families, caregivers and other organisations, often voice issues such as feeling unsupported or concerns regarding case management and how their or the children's needs are not being met by child protection services, FCIS is addressing this.

What are we doing to address those needs?

Working with client.
Establish a better understanding and identifying their individual needs.
Working with other organisations to better understand their expectations, identify their concerns and support remedy.
Working with organisations and individuals to better the overall relationship and expectations to support and strengthen and uphold the rights of the child.
To work at identifying errors, breakdowns in communication, individual or organisational failures, to re-establish a better working relationship and outcome.
To ensure that individual rights are preserved and those holding codes of conduct and expectations in service is upheld.
Over riding all of the above is the welfare and safety of children and if evidence of any such abuse towards a child is witnessed/ known by our team without doubt or question then the child's welfare and rights will be held as paramount.

What principles or beliefs guide our work?

FCIS follows the belief that there is an importance for a push for the department and its social workers follow their code of conduct to the letter and that they are made accountable when things go wrong. It also follows the belief that families in crisis need support; sometimes this comes from being able to have someone willing to listen and go over their case.  Team members have learned that sometimes part of the important role can be pointing out to families that there is a need for change and thus may support the recommendations of the Department. In other cases clear mistakes or bully tactics by its social workers (even sadly, down right lies) are identified and here FCIS's team work to give the families information and if need be step in to help sort out the mess. Sometimes this is not always possible because by the time FCIS was informed the case has moved on to permanency so at this point FCIS works to ensure access etc is the best it can be. In some cases where there is a clear indication a greater step needs to be taken we will support the family to take the matter back to court. With the safety and best interests of child being paramount.

Statement of Commitment

Therefore, as a team member of FCIS, I acknowledge and commit that I will observe a high standard of ethics and conduct as I devote my best efforts, skills and resources in the interest of FCIS and its members. I will perform my duties as board member/team member/researcher/others in such a manner that members’ confidence and trust in the integrity, objectivity and impartiality of FCIS are conserved and enhanced. To do otherwise would be a breach of the trust which the membership has bestowed upon me.

Ethical Guidelines

No support person shall enter into an intimate relationship (sexual) with a current client.
No team member will knowingly support or partake in any illegal activity
All other responsibilities are listed in the Code of Conduct.
I will always hold the betterment of the membership of the organisation as my priority, including during all participation in discussions and voting matters.
I recognise that I am obligated to act in a manner which will bear the closest public scrutiny.
It is my responsibility to contribute to the board of directors any suggestions of ways to improve the organisation’s policies, standards, practices or ethics.
I will not abuse my position as a team member by suggesting to any organisation employee that I am entitled to or expect any special treatment beyond regular members of the organisation.
I will declare any conflict of interest, be it real, potential, or apparent, which is not immediately obvious with regard to any matter being discussed in my presence (or via electronic contact) during a meeting.
If the board decides at any time during a meeting that I have a conflict, I will accept their request that I refrain from participating in the discussion and I will leave the meeting at the board’s request.
I understand that the board’s decision will be recorded in the minutes, either with or without the reasons for the decision being also recorded.
I understand that the following activities are considered by the organisation to be conflicts of interest, and that conflicts of interest are not limited to the following situations:
Where a director makes a decision or does an act motivated by other or additional considerations than “the best interests of the organisation
Where a director personally contracts with the organisation or where he/she is a director of other organisations which are contracting with this organisation
Where a director learns of an opportunity for profit which may be valuable to him/her personally or to another organisation of which he/she is a member, or to other persons known to the director
Where a director, in any circumstance as related to the organisation,  puts his/her personal interests ahead of the best interests of the organisation
I will disclose my involvement either directly or indirectly with other groups to the organisation to ensure that my actions within those other organisations are not detrimental To FCIS as a whole.
However FCIS takes no responsibility for individuals acting as part of other organisations with a similar perspective providing it is not illegal or detrimental (protesting with other organisations is permitted, but with the view that they present themselves and act according to the expectations of FCIS's Code of Conduct).


FCIS is not responsible legally or ethically for the actions of individuals, but will endeavour to enforce its code of conduct should an individual behave in an inappropriate manner.  FCIS is made up of volunteers who give up their time and energy, many are not professionals in their fields but endeavour to strengthen their individual knowledge base.  FCIS as an organisation DOES NOT guarantee that that information is correct as it is subject to individual's interpretations.


I will not knowingly take advantage of or benefit from information that is obtained in the course of my official duties and responsibilities as a team member, and that is not generally available to membership
I will be alert to information which the organisation can use to develop improved policies and strategies
I will protect the organisations information closely and will not release or share confidential information without the permission, preferably in writing/ or electronically, of the person who provided it
I will maintain confidentiality of all information which the board deems ought to be kept confidential


I will be mindful of resources which are in my trust on behalf of the organisation, and will help establish policies which ensure the maximisation of secure and protected resources I expect to be reimbursed for legitimate expenses incurred by myself for the sake of the organisation.
I will keep all such expenses reasonable and justifiable and will discuss expenses which may be in question with the organisation’s president. These must be approved prior.

Gifts and Hospitality

Should business associates or others offer me gifts, favours, or benefits on a personal basis because of the business the organisation does with them, I will recognise that such offers may be an effort to secure advantage from me, and I will reject such offers on the basis that it is against the organisation’s policy to accept gifts from business contacts. The most I will accept will be normal promotional handouts of a nominal value. Should such a contact wish to make a donation to the organisation as a whole this must be done with the knowledge that it will not influence the decisions or actions of the organisation.

I will not routinely accept the hospitality of others. For example, when meals are taken with business colleagues, I will pay for as many meals as do my colleagues. As an individual, I will do all I can to offer support or accomodation without expectation to fellow team members in the line of work, however I will not abuse this kindness when given by others within the team.

Representing the Organisation

As part of my duties as a team member, I represent the organisation informally and formally to other associations, societies, government officials, and business representatives. I recognise that it is important that I represent the organisation in such a way as to leave others with a positive impression of the organisation. In my duties I will preserve and enhance the good reputation of the organisation and will avoid behaviour which might damage its image.  I will present myself in a business like presentation and to the best of my ability be informed and be able to carry out my duties.
The president of the organisation shall ensure that the practice of this policy will be fair, just, and equitable in all situations of interpretation and application.
The president is ultimately responsible for immediate interpretation, application and enforcement of the team members’ code of ethics policy. All complaints concerning a possible code of ethics violation shall be made in writing/ electronically to or by the president with a copy provided to the complainant.

The president shall make an initial determination of the issue and shall attempt initial resolution of the problem with the complainer and the complainant.

If this initial attempt at resolution is not successful, the president shall appoint a tribunal composed of three team members to investigate the complaint. The tribunal is required to investigate as required and submit a written/electronic report to the president within 30 days. The president will render his/her decision within ten days of receiving the tribunal’s report.

The president’s decision may be appealed in writing/electronically to the board of directors for consideration the board’s next regular meeting at the organisation’s next regular scheduled meeting for a final decision. The final decision shall be delivered in writing/electronically to the complainer and complainant.a div block.

Delegation and Penalties

Should the president be the subject of a written/electronically complaint, the vice president shall perform the duties normally assigned to the president in this matter. Penalties imposed for breach of the code of ethics may include, but are not limited to, the following:  
Excluding the director from portions of all future meetings and discussions which relate to the stated conflict of interest,
and/or Censure of the director, in private, in public, or both,
and/or Removal of the director from office by a resolution passed by a vote of two-thirds of the members voting at an annual or special general meeting of the FCIS members, provided that notice of such a proposed resolution is given with the notice calling the meeting.

friends of FCIS:

Grandparents Raising Grandchildren

a non-profit Charitable Trust, based in New Zealand, established to support Grandparents/kin who are raising Grandchildren/whanau children.

Hot line: Free phone for carers only 0800 472 637

friends of FCIS:


Single Parents is a self help group devoted to single dads, single mums and their children regardless of child raising arrangements, nationality, religion, gender, ability and more. The main reason it exists is to empower single parents. Single Parents holds a variety of adult and family social, recreational and educational events and activities designed for and by single parents including live shows for families, fun days out, playgroups, BBQs, picnics, potluck dinners, camping, swimming, restaurants, parties, dance nights .... and on and on ...as well as workshops and presentations on issues single parents face. We also hold monthly support meetings North, South, Central and West Auckland where single parents meetup for support and to gain information. It's a great place to get assistance and be with other adults who know well what you're going through. If you're a single mum or dad and are looking for a group that caters just for you, then come join us. It costs just $5 a month and it's worth noting that you can bring children to everything. If an event or activity is for adults only, it will stipulate 'adults only'. http://www.meetup.com/Auckland-Single-Parents-Trust/